Thursday, April 26, 2007

Back in the Game

I got a phone call this morning from the Pima County Prosecuting Attourney's office. Fun fun. No, it was not about my rapant avacado eating binge. About 2 months ago a kid spray painted a wall beside our property and I called the cops. What really trips me out is that when they picked him up, the young man confessed and was carted home to his parents for a little wrist slapping. Today the attourney's office called me because this young man was involved in more serious gang related crime and they wanted to know anything that I had seen or could possibly guess from the tagging incident.


I hesitate the pull the "Government Should do More" card because I think it is way over used. That being said, could the governemnt have done more? I just feel so saddened that the consequences for the small stuff weren't serious enough to keep this kid from doing bigger stuff. It makes me worry about the world a little more. I suppose I know that the last days are coming, and all. Yet I wonder if there is something more I could do to fend off the dark tides before the end of the world as we know it.

So, I put the Sherrif's department on speed dail.